Undergraduate admissions statistics

Admissions statistics for undergraduate UCAS applications.

Our statistics show, by selection area:

  • how many undergraduate applications we receive;
  • how many offers we make
  • the offer rate; and
  • how many students we accept.

What does offer rate mean?

  • Offer rate is the percentage of applications which receive an offer within a selection area.

Selection areas

As part of our selection process, we group our degrees into ‘selection areas’. We then consider all applications within a selection area against others within that group.

Our selection areas normally include multiple degrees, but might only contain one degree in some areas, e.g. MBChB Medicine.

We therefore publish admissions statistics by selection area, rather than by degree, to give the most accurate reflection of offer rates.


Competition and offer rates

Some of our degrees are more competitive than others because we receive more applications than we have places available. In general, the number of applications we receive varies from year-to-year, and this means that the level of competition also varies. 

Competition for places can vary by tuition fee status and may be very high where places are limited.

Our application figures can be very high in some areas but it is important to remember that applicants can make up to five applications through UCAS. Applicants can only ever accept one offer.

Tuition fee status and offer rates

Any offer we make is based on an applicant’s tuition fee status, and applications are reviewed in relation to others within the same fee status category.

Due to Scottish Government policy which limits the intake of Scotland Fee Rate students, competition for places can vary across different tuition fee status groups. This can result in variations in the offer rate for different tuition fee statuses in the same selection area.

Variations in the number of applications to different selection areas can also affect offer rates. Additionally, the number of offers that are accepted by applicants varies. While there are a number of reasons for this, acceptance is particularly impacted by where applicants apply from. This also has a bearing on why offer rates may differ between different tuition fee status groups.

You can find out more about the relationship between fee status and admissions on our applying pages.

What is my fee status?

Viewing the statistics by the tuition fee status that is relevant to you, will give you the most accurate insight into patterns of application, offer and acceptance by selection area. 

Admissions statistics by selection area

Statistics for Undergraduate UCAS applications 2023-2024 admissions cycles

Total number of applications received 2020 - 2024 UCAS admissions cycles

CycleApplicationsOffersOffer rateAcceptances


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