SRA convenes a number of University-wide working groups and provides representation to relevant University groups and committees. These include: Student Recruitment and Fees Strategy Group The Student Recruitment and Fees Strategy Group is a University committee, responsible to University Executive Group for all strategic matters relating to student recruitment, admissions, fees, and funding. The group is responsible for overseeing implementation of the University’s student recruitment, fees, scholarships & student funding and widening participation strategies. Its scope encompasses all student domiciles, modes of delivery and levels of study, student recruitment marketing, admissions, outreach, widening participation to the point of entry, tuition fees and student funding. Convener: Professor Colm Harmon, Vice Principal Students Secretary: Rob Cain, Policy and Training Manager Student Recruitment Management Group The Student Recruitment Management Group (SRMG) is a subgroup of the Student Recruitment Strategy Group. The Group is responsible for monitoring, responding to, and reporting on in-year progress towards recruitment targets, and agreeing recruitment and admissions policy. Its scope encompasses UK, EU and international, online distance and on-campus, undergraduate and postgraduate study, outreach, recruitment, marketing, admissions and widening participation. Convener: Dr Shane Collins, Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions Secretary: Rachael Parsons, International Recruitment Manager Admissions Qualifications Group The Admissions Qualifications Group is a subgroup of the Student Recruitment and Fees Strategy Group. The Group is responsible for ensuring that the University recognises qualifications that provide appropriate preparation for study, so that the University is accessible to students from a wide range of backgrounds. Convener: Gillian Simmons, Head of Admissions, Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact: Gemma Docherty Widening Participation Strategy Committee The committee leads the University’s strategic commitment to widening access and participation – across the student lifecycle. It sets objectives and targets related to widening access and participation in line with overall University strategic objectives and receives regular reports from the WP implementation group on the progress of the WP plan and associated targets, to be assured of progress and to make recommendations where necessary. Convener: Colm Harmon, Vice Principal Students Contact: Postgraduate Recruitment and Admissions Group The Postgraduate Recruitment and Admissions Group (PRAG) is an advisory group reporting to the Student Recruitment Management Group (SRMG). It liaises with relevant University, College and School committees and working groups to provide informed and expert guidance to SRMG on matters relating to postgraduate student recruitment and admissions. The scope of this work encompasses UK/EU and international students, visiting students, and widening participation at postgraduate level. Convener: Jane Johnston Secretary/contact: Beth Colston This article was published on 2024-07-22