Our services

We are happy to engage with schools and colleges to speak with students, parents and staff.

Our services include:

School careers conventions

Here at the University of Edinburgh, we are striving towards climate conscious travel decisions and therefore as we are limiting the number of journeys we make, prioritising trips to large scale regional events.

If this is your first time organising a careers convention, why not contact us in advance? We have considerable experience of these events and can make positive suggestions that will help with your planning. Please note that we are very busy at peak times of the year and early notification of events does help us to try to allocate staff.


The recruitment team makes more than 100 visits per year to schools and colleges, with our focus being to provide realistic and impartial advice that enables students to make informed decisions about higher education. 

We are also able to offer recorded presentations or deliver content remotely via a video link when unable to visit in person. If you would like us to visit your school or college please get in touch to discuss your requirements. 

Presentations and workshop topics we can deliver include:

  • Studying in Scotland
  • The University of Edinburgh: An Introduction
  • Why go to University?
  • Choosing a Course and University
  • The UCAS Process
  • Personal Statements
  • Student life
  • Guided Tour of The University of Edinburgh

Arranging a session

We are lucky to receive a large number of requests from schools and colleges and with certain times of the year being very busy, we would recommend contacting us as early as possible with your request. 
