Life as a Student Ambassador

Being a student ambassador also introduces me to other various job opportunities at the university.

Looking back on my postgraduate year in Edinburgh, I believe being a student ambassador is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and a precious opportunity I’ve been given.


First, this is the role that greatly develops my communication skill and builds my confidence. I still remember I felt quite nervous for the first time guiding a campus tour, but it went smoothly after I prepared a lot. It always brings me a great sense of achievement and I also feel very proud to introduce our university to visitors.


Secondly, this is also a way to build connections with different groups of people. For the previous campus tours, I met exchange students, prospective students and their parents, offer holders, and primary school students. It is inspiring and interesting to talk with different people, understand their concerns, and share experiences with them.


Additionally, being a student ambassador also introduces me to other various job opportunities at the university. For example, I would have never worked as a student panelist for the job interviews of student advisors. Our team will share lots of job opportunities with us and it is great to know and engage in what is going on in the university. Also, I enjoy working in panels for student experience sharing and answering prospective students’ questions in Unibuddy and feel glad that I could be helpful by contributing something to others.


Lastly, our student ambassador team is very supportive, and they even organize the session of career development to help us fully utilize this experience for future jobs. So, join student ambassadors! It is an unexpectedly wonderful journey and I believe it is an experience you won’t regret!


Yihan, Student Ambassador 2022-2023