This shows the organisational structure of Student Recruitment and Admissions. DirectorShane Collins Deputy DirectorsLaura Cattell (UK Outreach and Widening Participation)Clare Mackay (International and Postgraduate Student Recruitment)Katrina Castle (Admissions and Applicant Experience) Communications Officer - Shawn CoulmanExpand allCollapse allAdmissionsOur Admissions Team aims to develop and maintain a fair, transparent and consistent approach to admissions at the University to support the recruitment of a high quality, diverse student intake to target. Head of Admissions - Gillian SimmonsAdmissions Operations Manager - Ailsa VamplewAdmissions Operations Manager - Gemma DochertyAdmissions Operations Manager (Curriculum Transformation Programme) - Kate MaclachlanAdmissions Support Officer - Aga WojcigaAdmissions Operation Assistant – Rachel Hamilton Admissions team pageBusiness UnitOur Business Unit supports activity across SRA teams, in particular; finance, IT, administrative support, committee support, action taking, risk management, projects, policy and training. Head of Policy, Project and Business - Emma RowsonPolicy and Training Manager - Rob CainSenior Administrator - Gayle HabbershawEnquiry ManagementOur Enquiry Management team triage and respond to hundreds of enquiries daily from a variety of stakeholders. Head of Enquiry Management – Jenny ThackerEnquiry Management Operations Manager - Sam FarmerEnquiry Management Team Lead – Tim SpenceEnquiry Management Team Lead - Alice WassellSenior Enquiry Management Assistant - Kenny IrvineSenior Enquiry Management Assistant - Chloé CampbellEnquiry Management Assistant - Thomas BauchopEnquiry Management Assistant - Lyall Hughes Enquiry Management Assistant - Ellie WhiteheadEnquiry Management Assistant - Fraser BathgateEnquiry Management Assistant - Jack McDonaldEnquiry Management Assistant - Amy McGillivrayEnquiry Management Assistant - Kristina GirietyteEnquiry Management Assistant - Ruby SiaudinyteEnquiry Management Assistant - Fiona Omand Enquiry Management team pageInternational RecruitmentThe International Recruitment team co-ordinates University-wide international student recruitment activity and undertakes global outreach to support prospective students and their advisors. Head of International Recruitment - Robbie WillisDeputy Head of International Recruitment - Dalinda Pérez-ÁlvarezDeputy Head of International Recruitment - Firas IbrahimAdministrative Assistant - Teresa GuerreroAdministrative Assistant - Gillian SteadAdministrative Assistant - Roberta OuriquesInternational Recruitment Manager (North America) - Mikaela SpencerRegional Admissions Representative (North America) - Hillary CementinaInternational Recruitment Manager (North America, Middle East and Africa) - Aly StewartInternational Recruitment Manager (North America and Europe) - Rachael ParsonsInternational Recruitment Manager (Europe) - Doug ThompsonInternational Recruitment Manager (South and Central Asia) - Rupal ParikhInternational Recruitment Manager (South and Central Asia) - Donna GallInternational Recruitment Manager (East Asia) - Esther SumInternational Recruitment Manager (South East Asia and Australasia) - Louise ZeelenbergInternational Recruitment Manager (South East Asia) - Louise TraceyInternational Recruitment Manager (Africa and Middle East) - Jamie FraserInternational Recruitment Manager (Projects) - Alistair HudsonInternational Recruitment Manager (Sponsors) - Chris CrameInternational Recruitment Coordinator (Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program) - Faithy Ngaira International Recruitment team pagePostgraduate RecruitmentThe Postgraduate Recruitment Team helps prospective students to make informed choices about taught and research-based study opportunities, and supports good practice in postgraduate recruitment across the University. Head of Postgraduate Recruitment - Jane JohnstonPostgraduate Recruitment Manager - Ewan FairweatherStudent Recruitment Officer (Digital) - Beth ColstonPostgraduate Administrator - Sarah Heeps Postgraduate Recruitment team pageStudent AmbassadorsThe Student Ambassador Team is responsible for the student employment programme which brings together a diverse cohort of undergraduate and postgraduate students to support the university in recruitment and outreach activities. Student Ambassador Team Lead - Andrew BurnieStudent Ambassador Officer - Alison NobleStudent Ambassador Officer - Beth AllisonStudent Ambassador Administrator - Patrick Seabrook Student Ambassadors team page Undergraduate RecruitmentThe Undergraduate Recruitment Team provide a professional information and advice service to prospective UK and EU applicants, and their advisers, to enable them to make informed choices about the University of Edinburgh and higher education in general. The team also work with colleagues across the University to coordinate and support recruitment activity. Head of Undergraduate Recruitment - Claire ForsmanUndergraduate Recruitment Manager - Rachael SmithsonUndergraduate Recruitment Manager - Keir RobinsonUndergraduate Recruitment Officer - Melissa JarvisUndergraduate Recruitment Officer - Daisy LewisUndergraduate Recruitment Officer - Jim MillsUndergraduate Recruitment Administrator - Robert Sloan Undergraduate Recruitment team pageWidening ParticipationWidening Participation (WP) is at the heart of our agenda. The WP team are committed to educational opportunity, increasing diversity and raising aspirations through a range of evidence led outreach for prospective and current students. Head of Widening Participation - Laura CattellWidening Participation Manager - Dr Neil SpeirsWidening Participation Manager - Pat ReidWidening Participation Manager (Student Lifecycle) - Kirstin HenryWidening Participation Officer (Access to the Professions) - Ryan HamiltonWidening Participation Officer (ACES) - Stef Blum-StevensonOutreach Officer (ACES) - Jasmine BitsakakiWidening Participation Officer - Tom DraperWidening Participation Officer - Gabriele NegroWidening Participation Officer (Summer Schools) - Lauren PorterData & Monitoring Officer - Jefferson ShirleyIntoUniversity Community Liaison Coordinator - Eleanor EllisWidening Participation Administrator - Briony Cowan Widening Participation team page This article was published on 2024-07-22