Our Enquiry Management team triage and respond to hundreds of enquiries daily from a variety of stakeholders. The Enquiry Management team are a recent addition to the Student Recruitment and Admissions group, having launched in July 2020. We form an essential part of the prospective student journey, answering enquiries from prospective students and related stakeholders from the pre-application stage, up until they matriculate as students of the University.We manage a bespoke Enquiry Management system which we use to respond to queries from prospective students. We also assist and train other University teams in the use of the system. Where we lack the specialist knowledge to respond to enquiries, we pass these to the teams with the relevant expertise.We are a very collaborative team and thoroughly enjoy working with a variety of stakeholders in SRA and across the University.The team consists of: Jenny Thacker Head of Enquiry Management Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: jenny.thacker@ed.ac.uk Sam Farmer Enquiry Management Operations Manager Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: sam.farmer@ed.ac.uk Tim Spence Enquiry Management Team Lead Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: tim.spence@ed.ac.uk Alice Wassell Enquiry Management Team Lead Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: alice.wassell@ed.ac.uk Kenny Irvine Senior Enquiry Management Assistant Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: kenny.irvine@ed.ac.uk Chloé Campbell Senior Enquiry Management Assistant Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: chloe.campbell@ed.ac.uk Thomas Bauchop Enquiry Management Assistant Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: thomas.bauchop@ed.ac.uk Lyall Hughes Enquiry Management Assistant Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: lyall.hughes@ed.ac.uk Fraser Bathgate Enquiry Management Assistant Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: fraser.bathgate@ed.ac.uk Jack McDonald Enquiry Management Assistant Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: jack.mcdonald@ed.ac.uk Amy McGillivray Enquiry Management Assistant Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: amy.mcgillivray@ed.ac.uk Kristina Girietyte Enquiry Management Assistant Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: kristina.girietyte@ed.ac.uk Ruby Siaudinyte Enquiry Management Assistant Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: ruby.siaudinyte@ed.ac.uk Fiona Omand Enquiry Management Assistant Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: fiona.omand@ed.ac.uk Ellie Whitehead Enquiry Management Assistant Student Recruitment and Admissions Contact details Email: ewhitehe@ed.ac.uk This article was published on 2024-07-22