
Unibuddy is a third party platform that allows current and prospective students to chat with each other.

What is Unibuddy?

Unibuddy is a third party platform that allows current and prospective students to chat with each other.

  • Provides a Safe environment:
    • Avoids students exchanging personal details.
    • Safeguards in place and an escalation process (in-office hours and outwith) if any concerns from students.
    • SRA are able to monitor all conversations.
    • Either party can block individuals that they don't feel comfortable continuing the conversation.
  • SRA oversee the entire service - training, administration, day-to-day support and individual conversations.
  • Provides direct insight into what prospective students are asking about the student experience. 


What is involved for Students on Unibuddy?

Students are provided training to ensure they feel comfortable in what their role is. Once they have completed the online training they are invited to join the Unibuddy platform and provide information in their ‘about me’ section. The Unibuddy platform this is where students interactive with prospective students. They get a notification when they get a message, and then are expected to respond within 24 hours. The length of responses, number of new conversations and how long a conversation lasts really varies, and we are still learning about the interactions.  If students feel they don’t have time, for example around exams, it is easy to deactivate the students.  

Who is on Unibuddy?

We currently have every School represented, though level of study varies and we also have online learning students.

Where is Unibuddy promoted?

Unibuddy is currently available via the UG and PG study pages, as well as being integrated into the Virtual Visit.  It also has its own dedicated landing page.

Unibuddy landing page

Undergraduate Study page

Postgraduate Study page

For more information about Unibuddy and ways that you can promote it please find more information on our internal SharePoint:


Unibuddy SharePoint