Visits to our campus

Information about our campus visits, self-guided audio tours and online information sessions.

Campus visits and Self-guided tours

We are delighted to be able to offer regular student-led campus tours, which include a supporting information video emailed prior to attendance and tailored onward signposting to points of interest in and around Edinburgh.

Find out more about campus visits: 

Campus Visits

We are also offering self-guided audio tours of both the George Square and King's Buildings campuses. The tour does not need to be booked in advance, is easy to download to a phone, and will allow visitors to take the tour at a time that suits them.

Find out more about self-guided tours: 

Self-guided Tours

Open Days

We will be holding three on-campus Open Days in 2024:

Open Days

Online information sessions 

We also run regular online sessions that you can access wherever you are in the world.


You can view the event details and book on to the sessions below. Please use the tags to select sessions appropriate to your study level of interest:  PG indicates postgraduate, UG indicates undergraduate.



Session recordings

Some of these sessions may be recorded. If they are being recorded you will be told about this during booking and at the beginning of the session. Any information that you provide during a session is optional and in doing so you give us consent to process this information.

Recorded sessions will be stored by the University of Edinburgh for one year and published on our website during that time.

By taking part in a session you give us your consent to process any information you provide during it.


Privacy statement

In order to facilitate online bookings for our events we use GeckoEngage and EventsAir -  third party services which are not operated by the University of Edinburgh. 

GeckoEngage Privacy Policy

EventsAir Privacy Policy

For more information about how we use your personal data, please view our privacy statement.

Student Recruitment & Admissions Privacy statement