Guidance and support for teaching & careers staff

We regularly arrange campus visits for careers advisers and teachers as well speaking at conferences and visiting schools, colleges and offices to provide in-service training.

We are happy to update visitors on new developments at the University and in Higher Education in general, or to provide introductory information for staff new to Higher Education guidance and the UCAS process.

We frequently visit schools to run workshops with careers staff on:

  • the UCAS system
  • applying to competitive institutions and subjects
  • the personal statement
  • reference writing

Arranging a visit

If you would like us to visit your school or college, speak at a conference or host a visit please email us on and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.

Email us


Mailing list

Student Recruitment & Admissions sends information by email to our professional contacts working in secondary schools, colleges and careers advisory services. Joining our mailing list will allow the University of Edinburgh to email you with important updates, information and resources to assist you, your colleagues and the students with whom you work.

Join our mailing list


Student Recruitment and Admissions

If you are a University of Edinburgh staff member: It’s best to contact individual members of the SRA team via email.

If you are a prospective student: It’s best to contact us using the following enquiry forms:

Contact details