Postgraduate Recruitment

Our Postgraduate Recruitment team co-ordinates University-wide recruitment activity and engages with prospective PGT and PGR students across the UK.

The Postgraduate team leads on and co-ordinates the recruitment of PG students from the UK, works to enhance the PG applicant experience, and supports progression of our own students into postgraduate study, working in partnership with colleagues in Schools, Colleges and central services.

We do this through:

  • Running recruitment events - on-campus, off-campus and online, including PG Open Day and an ever increasing range of online events
  • overseeing PG applicant and pre-applicant communications
  • gathering and sharing insight into UK recruitment markets, including qualifications guidance, market opportunities and demand, and competitor activity
  • undertaking research to understand the wider recruitment environment and sector developments (e.g. funding, PG WP, Online learning trends), and feeding into the implementation of the University’s Student Recruitment Strategy
  • supporting the sharing of best practice through training and networking events and contributing to external networks and fora

The team consists of:

Jane Johnston

Head of Postgraduate Recruitment

  • Student Recruitment and Admissions

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Ewan Fairweather

Student Recruitment Manager (Postgraduate)

  • Student Recruitment and Admissions

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Beth Colston

Student Recruitment Officer (Digital)

  • Student Recruitment and Admissions

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Sarah Heeps

Postgraduate Administrator

  • Student Recruitment and Admissions

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