Support to Get In

Our team run a range of projects and schemes that provide support to prospective students during the application phase and facilitate their transition into University.

Reach Edinburgh

Reach Edinburgh is a Widening Participation programme to support eligible S4 to S6 students at state secondary schools in the south-east of Scotland who wish to study law, medicine or veterinary medicine. It offers events and activities to help you better understand your chosen subject and prepares you for the application process.


YourEd is our secondary schools partnership scheme designed for schools and pupils who may feel unsure if Higher Education (HE) or the University of Edinburgh is for them. We take the University to you: sharing our resources and expertise to bring you into our University community at an earlier stage.

Access to Creative Education in Scotland (ACES)

Access to Creative Education in Scotland (ACES) is a Widening Participation programme for eligible S4 to S6 students at state secondary schools in the south-east of Scotland who wish to study a visual creative subject such as art, design or architecture. It offers events and activities to help you better understand your chosen subject and prepares you for the application process.