Our Team

Members of the Widening Participation team and their respective roles.

Working from home and the office

Our staff are working both from home and from the office.

Our campus and outreach activities are currently being delivered in a hybrid way.

You can contact us on wpteam@ed.ac.uk or contact individual members of the team via our emails as detailed below.

Our normal working hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm.

Our Team

WP Managers

Laura CattellHead of Widening Participation/Deputy Director Student Recruitment & Admissionslaura.cattell@ed.ac.uk
Kirstin HenryWidening Participation Manager (Student Lifecycle)kirstin.henry@ed.ac.uk
Pat ReidWidening Participation Managerpat.reid@ed.ac.uk
Dr Neil M SpeirsWidening Participation Managerneil.speirs@ed.ac.uk
Lesley StokesWidening Participation Managerlesley.stokes@ed.ac.uk

WP Officers and Administrators

Jasmine BitsakakiOutreach Officer (ACES)jasmine.holt@ed.ac.uk
Stef Blum-StevensonWidening Participation Officer (ACES)stef.blum@ed.ac.uk
Briony CowanWidening Participation Administratorbriony.cowan@ed.ac.uk
Tom DraperWidening Participation Officer (Student Lifecycle)tom.draper@ed.ac.uk
Eleanor EllisIntoUniversity Community Liaison Coordinatoreleanor.ellis@ed.ac.uk
Susan ForrestWidening Participation Officer (Summer Schools)susan.forrest@ed.ac.uk
Ryan HamiltonWidening Participation Officer (Access to the Professions)ryan.hamilton@ed.ac.uk
Jess HumeWidening Participation Officer (Student Life Cycle)jess.hume@ed.ac.uk
Jim MillsWidening Participation Graduate Internjim.mills@ed.ac.uk 
Gabriele NegroWidening Participation Officergabriele.negro@ed.ac.uk
Jefferson ShirleyData and Monitoring Officerjefferson.shirley@ed.ac.uk



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British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the University of Edinburgh via Contact Scotland BSL, the online British Sign Language video relay interpreting service.

Find out more on the Contact Scotland BSL website